3Mills Studios in London United Kingdom. Many Stop motion features have been shot here. The Corpse Bride, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, Frankenweenie, and Isle of Dogs. Plus many more Stop motion commercials and TV shows. This is a magical location right out of Willy Wonka and located in beautiful East London.


I feel extremely fortunate to have been able to work with my hero’s. Wes Anderson has been one since I first saw the film, Rushmore. He had an immediate signature that stamped that film with his style and his take on the world. Fantastic Mr. Fox was an amazing experience that was challenging to get exactly what Wes was looking for. Some of the crew had difficulty adapting but the final film is a testament to a job well done by everyone involved.

The Lone Wolf.

The Lone Wolf.


London Pride no parade


My first Pint in a proper London Pub


Here is the white sweater my wife knitted for Mr. Fox’s son, Ash. A stockinette pattern that she created by using 2 sharpened pieces of piano wire as knitting needles.


This is ASH

This is ASH, the son of Mr. Fox. There is something about the proportions of this puppet that made animating it a treat. When a puppet fits in the animators hand there is a control that can be lost with the larger scale puppets. Atari, the boy puppet from Isle of Dogs had the same proportions that Ash had. Atari was another great puppet to animate.

WORK SHOES. These shoes were from a company called Cydwoq. A handmade shoe that was like butter on the feet. They were worn everyday while I was animating on Fantastic Mr. Fox.  By the end of the production it got pretty bad when walking to work, by…

WORK SHOES. These shoes were from a company called Cydwoq. A handmade shoe that was like butter on the feet. They were worn everyday while I was animating on Fantastic Mr. Fox. By the end of the production it got pretty bad when walking to work, by the canal, in the rain.