Hi. Hello there. Have a look around through these pages if you like but beware that I am not a tidy writer. On this site there are pictures and stories from my work and life in the animation industry. Over the years I have shared days with many talented artists that have given their time to guide and inspire. I take all of their lessons into every animated shot I work on. How to create a performance or maintain the energy to carry on has all come from friends I have made in this world of Animators.
Check out my ABOUT page. I try to keep adding to these pages as much as possible. There are many memories and some that I’m still not sure if I should write about. Thanks for looking and keep animating. “Cheers”.
For many years, trapped behind black curtains, I have jotted down my mental state while animating stop motion puppets. I put together some of those thoughts into a little poetic essay on the matter. The book is available on Search this whole title “Moving Hold, by Chuck Duke” If you don’t include my name, you will get a bunch of websites for Moving and Packing supplies.